

There’s something for everyone in the city of Pittsburgh.

A city known for its advancements in industry and infrastructure, Pittsburgh boasts some 446 bridges within its city limits and the largest inland port in the country. Loyal fans of the Penguins, Steelers, Pirates and more know the city as a hub for awards and excellence in sports. As a city rich in tradition, there is no shortage of food, culture, arts and activities in Pittsburgh.

Yet with all this to offer, there is still something missing .

Though the city is rich in religious tradition, there is a significant lack of healthy, gospel-centered churches working to revive the city in the name of Christ.

Join us in a multiplying movement to make disciples and start new churches!

For more information, contact:

Cliff Jenkins – Church Planting Catalyst – cjenkins@namb.net

or Barry Whitworth – Church Planting Director of PA/SJ – bwhitworth@namb.net